Elevate Your at-Home Garden With These Easy-to-Grow Fruits and Veggies
Published Dec. 22 2020, 3:37 p.m. ET

Not every fruit and vegetable is created equal. Some have higher fiber contents than others, some contain more natural sugar, and in the case of gardening, some fruits and veggies are lower maintenance, and therefore, are much easier to grow at home. With more and more people trying their hand at fruit and veggie gardening (especially during the pandemic!), you may be disillusioned into thinking because it’s popular, it’s easy — though that isn't the case.
Not sure where to start? Keep reading to learn more about low maintenance fruits and veggies you can learn to grow at home, if you're a beginner in the gardening department.
What fruit is easiest to grow?


Caneberries include blackberries and raspberries, which are generally easy to grow. Their seeds germinate quickly, and they thrive in rich, organic soil, which gives them a leg up growing in the wild. To grow blackberries and raspberries, plant the seeds in a container sometime in the spring, according to One Green World. They require soil that drains properly and is rich in organic matter; keep them moist, but be careful not to oversaturate with water.

Strawberries are also low-maintenance, according to Garden Tech, and they're perennials, which means they grow back seasonally. They can be successfully cultivated in either the ground, raised garden beds, or containers in the springtime, as long as they get six to eight hours of sunshine. They should also soak for two hours in water and plant food prior to planting, and should not be watered again until the top inch of the soil has dried completely.

Tomatoes grow best when planted in early spring or summer, according to Garden Tech. They can either be grown in plant cages or in containers, and require up to eight hours of direct sunlight. To help tomato plants thrive, make sure to plant them in a rich, draining soil with ample drainage, and a pH level between 6.5 and 7.0. Also remember to weed them daily, and water regularly.
What is the easiest vegetable to grow?

Bell peppers

The key to successfully cultivating bell peppers is by placing them in direct sun for at least six to eight hours per day, and providing them with well-drained, fertile soil. Pepper plants that are moved outdoors before night temperatures consistently hit 60°F will die, so make sure it’s warm at all hours of the day. Although peppers require little care, a little added nutrition in the soil goes a long way — they require fertile soil to thrive, and a pH level between 5.8 and 6.5.
Squash and zucchini

Zucchini is actually a type of squash, so the rules for growing both are very similar. According to Garden Tech, seeds should be planted in outdoor areas that receive ample sunlight, sometime near the end of spring when the soil is warm. They will not do well in cold soil, air, or frost, and you should never transplant the roots.
Different crops require different amounts of sunlight, water, fertilizer, spacing, and locations, so you’ll want to do specific research based on the crops you are planning to grow. As long as you have all the necessary information and the right gardening tools, however, you should be good to go.